The University of Sydney

  • 网络澳大利亚悉尼大学;雪梨大学;澳洲悉尼大学
The University of SydneyThe University of Sydney
  1. The University of Sydney , founded in1850 , is Australia 's first university .


  2. She had seen Dominican sisters serving at the University of Sydney .


  3. Make Every Graduate to Be Proud of Themselves & Graduation ceremony of the University of Sydney in Beijing


  4. Researchers from the University of Sydney , Australia , report that left atrial size increases with body mass index in children .


  5. The University of Sydney also launched a first-year book club to encourage all freshmen to read beyond their course readers .


  6. To start their research , the University of Sydney scientists asked around 200 people what they thought their mood would be on each day of the week .


  7. Professor Saunders graduated in medicine with first-class honours from the University of Sydney ( 1970 ) .


  8. Leading a team of researchers from the University of Sydney , Professor Ramzan spent one year investigating the cellular effects of kava on the liver .


  9. Mr. Chia , the University of Sydney lecturer , said that the government should provide more places for Singaporean students but that the question is how much more .


  10. Mr Jelliffe holds an economics degree from the University of Sydney and is chief technical officer at Topologi , a Pyrmont software company .


  11. As one of Australia 's leading universities , the University of Sydney is a key member of Australia 's major research intensive universities and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities ( APRU ) .


  12. The University of Sydney , University of NSW and Perceptia Devices Australia will offer an exciting opportunity in advanced , high speed circuit design to only two of the most qualified PhD candidates .


  13. Michael Harr é and Mikhail Prokopenko , both with the University of Sydney in Australia , said while we may only have five close friends , our social network from them can extend to 132 people .


  14. Daily Mail Australia put it to Associate Professor Leon Poladian , from the University of Sydney 's mathematics department , who came back with a solution - but even he had to admit , it was a bit of ahead-scratcher .


  15. Scientists from the University of Sydney and the University of NSW have discovered who is most likely to get the debilitating condition and it has nothing to do with age , sex , personality traits or mental health as many people thought .


  16. Monika Bednarek , senior lecturer in linguistics at the University of Sydney , has catalogued the number of profanities in the most popular US TV ( there are a lot ) , and agrees that swearing is important in social situations .


  17. Master of Engineering Management awarded by the University of Technology , Sydney , Australia .


  18. The results of the University of Sydney 's study clearly support earlier literature observations on kava 's adverse affects on the functioning of the liver in general .


  19. My name is Sophia . I am doing the commerce degree in the University of Sydney . I major in finance and marketing .


  20. Professor Ann Simpson , who led the team at the University of Technology , Sydney , said : ' My team and I are extremely pleased that the US patent for the Melligen cells has been granted .


  21. It is followed by the Australian National University ( 47 ) , the University of Sydney ( = 60 ) and the University of Queensland ( = 60 ) .


  22. Geoffrey Garrett , the head of the U.S. Studies Centre at the University of Sydney , thinks this presidential election matters more than most others in recent memory .


  23. Donald Maclurcan is an honorary research fellow with the Institute for Nanoscale Technology at the University of Technology , Sydney , and is a founding member of the Growthbusters .


  24. But Yeow-Tong Chia , a lecturer at the faculty of education and social work at the University of Sydney , said there was great demand for university education in Singapore , illustrated by the strong growth of the private education sector .


  25. In the next few years , I want to get into the university of sydney and choose the subject law .


  26. " You 've also got color , texture and shape sensors looking down at the ground to check pasture quality , " says Salah Sukkarieh of the University of Sydney , who will carry out trials on several farms in central New South Wales .


  27. Betty Repacholi of the University of Washington and her former student , Samantha Pickering of the University of Sydney , reported their findings in the current issue of the journal Sex Roles .


  28. At present , there are at least 400 experts engaging in Chinese studies . In Australian higher institutions , who are mainly distributed in The Australian National University , The University of Melbourne , Monash University and The University of Sydney .


  29. Prof Greg Whitwell , the dean of the business school , confirmed that Wu had resigned as an employee of the University of Sydney and had issued an apology for the distress that his comments had caused .


  30. Not only was he trying to mate with the dying animal , an expert said he could have caused the death . Dr Derek Spielman at the University of Sydney told the Guardian : " Competition between males to mate with females can be fierce and can end in serious fighting , "
